New work of tamaki niime. from caps.The basics are the hats which I made in 2001.▼
素材:ウール / 柄:グレンチェック
viewpoint : front
viewpoint : Bias front
viewpoint : back
And this is tamaki niime original arrenge winder version 2008'▼
viewpoint : front , col.BLK×WHT
viewpoint : front , col.BLU ×WHT×BLK
viewpoint : zoom up , col.BLU ×WHT×BLK
viewpoint : back , col.BLU ×WHT×BLK
viewpoint : front , col.NVY ×WHT×BLK
viewpoint : zoom up , col.NVY ×WHT×BLK
viewpoint : line up , col. all colors
Casquettes of Arrenge Winder fublics is ORIGINAL CLOTH.
thank you very much...