Sunday, 26 July 2009

sens 扇子

private movement of tamaki niime.

photo,graphic : tn ,view b-width1.

by 齋藤商店,

SIZE ;none /

Qul. マス見本:先染め cotton 100% + 木,

播州 ",

Col. As see,

↑↓先染め = これらの全ては糸の段階で染色された,All were dyed in the stage of yarn."

view m-length 1.

シャトルで織ったヘッドスカウト,dress shirts = article for sale.
日よけ眼鏡,tshirts,h-pants.sneaker = private propaty.

view length1,tn礼服:合唱.

cut uping operation.


thank you very much...