selectmade work up date of tamaki niime.
--Arrenge Winder Paker @ shirts fublics by Select made--
Qul,Arrenge winder平織り, wood button Col,WHT × BLK × GOLD.

view fornt ,left shoulder fublic zoom.

view back & front bottom detail zoom.
--Arrenge Winder Slacks by Selectmade--
Qul,Arrenge winder 杉綾 Col,BLK × WHT × PPL.

view front,side fublic&detail zoom.
--Dress Shirts by Selectmade 1--
Qul,Arrenge winder,Polyester InkjetP ,shell B
Col,BLK × WHT × PPL × GRY × NTL C.

view back left left cuffs,button,Ssuit & front slant.

view front & left cuffs,button

--Arrenge Winder Dress Shirts by Selectmade 2--
Qul,Arrenge winder Col,BLK × GRY × GOLD.

view back right Ssuit & Sleeve.
The daily
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